3 Vegetable Oils To Protect Yourself From The Sun

Exposure to the sun is essential for our well-being, but it can also be dangerous for our skin if we do not protect it properly. In this article, we will discover vegetable oils that have natural sun protective properties.

1. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is an effective natural sun protection thanks to its unique composition. It contains lauric acid, a saturated fatty acid that has antibacterial and antiviral properties. When applied to the skin, it creates a protective barrier that helps prevent damage caused by UV rays. Additionally, coconut oil is rich in antioxidants, which help prevent signs of aging caused by the sun. It is also an excellent moisturizer for the skin, leaving it soft and supple after sun exposure and is easily absorbed by the skin, making it a convenient option for natural sun protection.

2. Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil is known for its skin nourishing and hydrating properties , but it can also help protect your skin against the sun’s UV rays. It contains tocopherols, which are antioxidant compounds that help prevent damage caused by free radicals. These free radicals can damage your skin cells and cause irreversible damage, including skin cancer.

Additionally, jojoba oil contains essential fatty acids, such as linoleic acid, which help nourish and hydrate your skin, protecting it from the drying effects of the sun. But what makes it ideal for use as a natural sunscreen is its ease of absorption into the skin making it an effective and natural option for protecting your skin against the sun’s harmful UV rays.

3. Carrot oil

Carrot oil is a natural ally for skin protected from the sun thanks to its carotenoid content, notably beta-carotene, which is a natural pigment present in plants. Carotenoids found in vegetable oils have antioxidant properties that help prevent skin damage caused by free radicals, such as skin cancer. In addition, these oils contain vitamin E, an antioxidant that protects the skin against the harmful effects of UV rays, while being rich in essential fatty acids such as linoleic acid, which nourish and hydrate the skin, thus protecting it dehydration due to the sun.

Plant oils offer many benefits for the skin, going beyond sun protection. Their richness in nutrients, essential fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamins helps to deeply nourish and hydrate the skin, reduce inflammation and irritation, prevent skin infections, and improve the overall appearance of the skin by reducing the signs of age. By incorporating botanical oils into your skincare routine, you can benefit from their many benefits for soft, supple and glowing skin.

Also Read: Dehydrated Oily Skin: When Oily Skin Lacks Fats!

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