4 Bad Beauty Habits That Destroy Your Eyelashes

Who has never dreamed of having beautiful long and thick eyelashes? If you are having trouble achieving an ideal result, it may be that you are making one or more of these 4 mistakes. We take stock.

1) Remove makeup too vigorously

If makeup removal is a key step in your beauty routine, it should be gentle so as not to attack your eyes and cause your eyelashes to fall out. Mascara can sometimes be difficult to remove, but you should definitely not rub your eyes with a cotton ball! Instead, go for a two-phase product and adopt the correct gesture. Just pass the soaked cotton gently up and down over your closed eye. You can also use a cleansing oil and do the same things, but with your fingers. The result is impeccable.

2) wear mascara that is too old

Mascara, like all beauty products, has an expiration date. If left open for too long, it dries out, becomes hard, and can therefore damage your eyelashes. In addition, it does not give an optimal result: it tends to clump and stick. It is therefore not pleasant to apply.

3) Rub your eyes often

It seems obvious. But when fatigue points to the tip of his nose, the reflex is to rub his eyes. In addition to damaging your make-up, this bad habit weakens the eyelashes: they will tend to fall out.

4) Skip the treatments

To have beautiful eyelashes, you have to be careful. In addition to adopting a healthy lifestyle and a good diet, it is advisable to take care. The most practical is the serum: it will encourage a good growth of your eyelashes and make them stronger and denser. It can be applied at the root like a liner or directly on the eyelashes like mascara. Convenient!


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