Home Remedies For Hair Loss, Do They Work?

On average, we tend to lose between 100 and 200 hairs naturally. This hair loss is considered normal, but what home remedies work? What are the urban legends and hoaxes about alopecia? In this article, we review some of the most used home remedies to prevent hair loss and their actual effectiveness. In addition, we discovered what shampoos and cosmetic products could help us stop alopecia.

Hoaxes and home remedies for hair loss that don’t work

Along with the many remedies to lose weight, curbing hair loss is one of the topics that generates the most interest today. The Internet is full of hoaxes and miracle remedies that promise to prevent hair loss and achieve a thick and strong mane. But… which of these remedies work? What is true in everything that is said on social networks and blogs? Here we take down some of the hoaxes, urban legends, and home remedies that don’t work:

Stop washing your hair frequently

In the same way that our skin does not fall from washing daily with a gel, the use of a frequent shampoo does not weaken our hair or favor its fall. When you wash your hair, the shampoo only removes the hairs that were already ready to come out because the follicle’s root has created a new shaft. If you want to maintain a healthy scalp, it is convenient to maintain good hair hygiene habits. If you want to wash your hair daily, always choose a mild shampoo formulated for frequent use.

Also Read: Hair Loss? We Will Tell You The Causes And Solutions

Do not use a hairdryer or other accessories

Using a dryer or curling irons does not encourage hair loss or cause alopecia. If you want to protect your hair from heat, we recommend that you use a thermo-protective product such as the Spray Thermo Protection from the Botanic Styling line. These accessories do not destroy the follicles, although we can dry out the hair if we abuse the heat and do not follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Cut your hair short

Our hair does not behave like a plant. That is, it does not improve with pruning. It is entirely false that cutting our hair grows more robust and healthier. The thickness of the hair will depend on the health of our follicles, not on the length of the mane. This urban legend is born from this certainty: when we cut a hair, we perceive it thicker because the hair shaft is usually wider the newer it is.

Do not wear a ponytail or use extensions

It is true that wearing a ponytail or wearing extensions can increase hair loss, but it is a lie that it can cause alopecia. The explanation is simple. If the follicles are alive, new hair will continue to grow.

Do not use dyes

Hair coloring products and dyes do not damage follicles. Therefore they cannot cause alopecia. The problem is that some dyes are made with components that can damage the quality of the hair.

Do not wear hats or caps

Wearing a cap or hat is also not related to hair loss. In any case, it will protect the hair from the wind or the sun.

Using horse shampoo

Do you remember that fashion of washing your head with horse shampoo? This is one of the most common hoaxes and has made people with baldness spend the most money. The false belief that horse shampoo is a solution against alopecia is based on the effectiveness of biotin. Most people don’t know that biotin is not absorbed through the skin.

Rely on ozone therapy or carboxytherapy

There is no scientific evidence to guarantee that these treatments can stop hair loss or treat common baldness.

Swell up to vitamins

Vitamin complexes can improve the appearance of hair, but they do not solve the problem of alopecia. They can be used as one more supplement to care for hair, and it is recommended to do so under the advice of a pharmacist or physician.

Also Read: Damaged Or Untamed Hair? Get Back Your Hair With These Tips

Hair loss remedies that do work

Remove excess oil from the hair

Using a shampoo that removes excess oil can become the best ally to prevent hair loss. It is a reality that the fat that accumulates abnormally clogs the capillary pore and favors hair loss since it does not breathe.

There are numerous options for anti-hair loss shampoos, including onion shampoos or those specifically for treating this problem. One of the most innovative shampoos that control excess oil is micellar, which traps dirt and oil thanks to their micelles.

A good diet

Although it seems like the most obvious advice, the reality is that a good diet supports healthy hair and skin. Make sure that your diet is rich and varied and that it contains proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in the amounts that your body needs. Do not abuse unhealthy foods, and incorporate as many fruits and vegetables into your meals. You will notice results of shine, volume, and strength in your hair.

One of the healthiest foods is oily fish. Include it in your diet.

Stress and hair loss

Yes, our rhythm of life affects the health of the hair. Our problems, worries, and stress significantly affect hair loss. As much as possible, try to do activities that distract you, give the problems the relevance, and try to have a correct dream. Together with a correct diet, it will be easier for you to handle the situations in which the state of anxiety or stress appears.

Products for men’s hair loss

As we have seen before, one of the most used remedies to stop hair loss is the use of different shampoos.

Myths, hoaxes and home remedies for hair loss: conclusions

In addition to the false home remedies for hair loss that we have seen, you can find many more on the Internet. If you have a hair loss problem, it is advisable to consult your doctor or specialist and detect the root cause. Once you identify the problem, you can combat it through the different tools that we have seen that work. Consult a trusted specialist for alopecia problems that can only be solved through a hair graft.

Also Read: Top 10 Tricks For Your Dry Shampoo

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