A Warm Bath Relaxes Body And Mind

People like to bathe, and preferably in warm water. This pleasure is almost 2500 years old. The Greeks liked to lie in the warm water of their “balaneion” (baths), the Romans in their thermal baths, the people of the Middle Ages in bathhouses. And of course we humans today still appreciate a nice, warm bath.

But why do we actually bathe? Private bathrooms, i.e. those within your own four walls, have only existed since the 20th century. Before that, you went swimming – in public institutions or houses. In most cases, the goal was to wash yourself properly from head to toe. And where you’ve been sitting together so nicely, you can of course also chat in a Roman thermal bath, a Japanese onsen, a Turkish hammam or a medieval bath room. The best gossip was therefore to be heard in a public bathing establishment, just as one could do splendid business there or engage in politics.

The feel-good bath in the bathtub

On the other hand, those who bathe today primarily do so to feel good. But how does that work? Fill in the water, sit down – and close your eyes? Basically, that’s it, but as always and often: the details decide. We have therefore delved into the depths of the warm bath and brought up answers to questions for you about the right temperature, the right time or whether you can lose weight while bathing in the tub. So let’s start from the beginning:

What is the perfect temperature?

There is actually no such thing as a perfect water temperature for adults. But there is a perfect bathing temperature for you. In general, most people enjoy a bath that is slightly warmer than their body surface temperature. This can vary by a few degrees, but is 33 °C on average. What is too hot for her or him feels perfect for someone else. But if you choose a temperature between 35 °C and 39 °C, you are on the safe side of comfort. It shouldn’t be 40 °C or more.

Sunday or Monday, noon, evening: Is there a perfect time for a bath?

Yes and no. You probably expected this answer. But let’s put it this way: Sundays have always been the perfect bathing day for a reason. It’s the culmination of a week and the perfect start to a new one. Of course, the evening is best for this, and in the best case your bath even ends the day. If you bathe around 9 p.m., you will then find your way to bed on time in a soothing deep relaxation – and into a wonderfully restful sleep.

10, 15 or 30 minutes: How long and how often should you bathe?

With this question, too, it is important to listen to your body and feel what it is telling you. An increased heart rate or sweat on the forehead are sure signs that the water temperature is either too high or you have been in the water for too long. It is optimal not to spend more than 20 minutes in warm water. After that, our skin loses moisture and becomes irritated as water washes away the surface oils that our skin needs. Therefore, there is a rule of thumb to keep in mind: The drier the skin, the shorter the bath. That’s why you shouldn’t take a bath more than twice a week.

Also Read: Why You Should Take An Oatmeal Sock With You In The Bathtub

Speaking of dry skin – what to do after or during a bath?

We all know that: After a long bath, the skin ripples, it feels dry and wrinkled. So she needs support. You can give her that by using an essence containing cream or oil while bathing. Or you can apply something after your bath at the latest to help the skin regenerate. Body emulsions containing fat are ideal moisturizers. A little tip: If the skin is still a little damp but no longer sweating, the cream or oil is better absorbed.

When is it better for me to give up a bath?

A nice bath not only relaxes the nerves, the muscles and the mind. It also challenges our body when it’s not in a good mood anyway. This applies if, for example, he has already developed a fever to fight an infection. In this case, the motto is: off to bed and not in the bathtub! Another possible problem with a warm full bath can be: cardiovascular problems and vein problems such as thrombosis, varicose veins, congestion. Warm water dilates our veins, which lowers blood pressure. From this comes advice number two: In the case of the above-mentioned ailments, simply ask your family doctor what he thinks of warm baths.

I’m pregnant, can I still take a warm bath?

If you don’t have any signs of premature rupture of membranes or preterm labour, there’s nothing stopping you from taking a relaxing bath. Warm water can intensify real or even premature labour. However, it is unlikely that this will trigger active labour. However, watch out for the temperature. As already mentioned, too hot means that the blood pressure drops and the circulation is strained. In addition, the unborn child cannot regulate its own temperature and therefore absorbs whatever heat or coolness surrounds it. So if you choose a slightly cooler bath, take a few drops of aromatic oil. They then support the perhaps not so intense feeling of relaxation.

I’m having my period – will a warm bath stop my period?

It’s a common myth that a warm or hot soothing bath will stop your period. That’s not the case. If the blood flow is reduced, it is due to the water pressure. So it’s pure physics. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind during your period. Keep in mind that your body temperature may be higher around your cycle. If you are prone to hot flashes, a slightly cooler bath is recommended. Or open a window to avoid overheating or getting dizzy. You should also consider the blood pressure-lowering effect of a warm bath with a view to your circulation. Otherwise, run a bath if you feel like it. Relaxation is good, especially during your period.

Foam, oil, bubbles – what belongs in a bathroom and what doesn’t?

You can, of course, add whatever you want to a bath. It all depends on what you expect from it. Most additives target your nose and airways directly. There are also essences that support you with rheumatic complaints or keep your skin from drying out. And of course there are some that are just fun – build foam crowns or create bubbles and feel a pleasant tingling on the skin. The only thing you should consider is that the less natural the ingredients, the less good they are for us and the environment. But as always, the quantity makes the poison.

Also Read: Color Bath: What Is It, How Is It Done And How Long Does It Last

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