How To Close Open Pores

Open or dilated pores are one of the issues that most concern those who come to our centers to undergo some facial aesthetic medicine treatment. Fortunately, there are numerous safe and effective non-invasive solutions to correct this problem, some of which can be done at home. Find out below how to close open pores easily and safely.

Why Do Pores Open?

In most men and women, the pores begin to dilate in adolescence, because the skin begins to secrete excess fat caused by hormonal changes. These changes can cause an increase in sweating, seborrheic dermatitis, and acne, as well as an increase in the amount of sebum, especially on the face. This causes the pore to become clogged and, therefore, to enlarge and open.

However, there are other factors that explain the appearance of open pores. In fact, as time passes, the pores dilate due to a cumulative effect and skin aging , since the fibers lose strength and elasticity and no longer hold firmly the pore wall. To this we must add the presence of impurities, which also makes the pores more visible. Also, excessively dilated pores can give way to annoying pimples and blackheads or blackheads.

However, keep in mind that pores can also be temporarily dilated voluntarily to apply various beauty routines more effectively. To do this, simply expose yourself to a heat source, such as a bath or sauna.

It does not hurt to remember that pores are essential to maintain the health of the skin since they allow the dermis to oxygenate and eliminate excess sebum, sweat or dead cells. Hence the need to keep them always cared for and in good condition, beyond the merely aesthetic aspect. Let’s see below how to close open pores.

Home Remedies To Close Pores

Among the homemade facial care techniques that you can apply yourself, the following stand out.

Clean Your Skin Thoroughly

As we all know, removing makeup is essential for the skin to breathe. However, and although it is essential to follow this guideline, it is no less important to know which product to use. In some cases, this can backfire when choosing an overly abrasive makeup remover. To avoid this, ask your dermatologist or pharmacist which lotion best suits your skin type. Even simply resorting to water and mild soap with a neutral pH can be enough. Use micellar water in your facial cleansing, as long as it has a skin-friendly formulation.

Hydrate Your Face Frequently

Although many people may overlook it, hydrating the skin is not an option, but a necessity, even when it comes to oily skin.

However, to avoid the use of harmful products, which could even worsen certain imperfections, you must know your skin well and know what it needs. Only in this way will you hydrate your face without greasing it and reduce the risk that your pores will dilate. In addition, a suitable product is an effective complement to any dermatological treatment, as well as a good base for before applying makeup. It should be borne in mind that certain active cosmetics strengthen the lipid barrier, thus improving the protection of the skin against external agents. It also reduces the amount of sebum and makes the dermis brighter and silkier.

Use A Good Scrub

To remove the dirt that makes your pores dilate, you can use a gentle exfoliating treatment, suitable even for sensitive skin. In this way, you will help the pores to close and regenerate, allowing them to better perform their excretory function.

One of the most useful products is clay, thanks to its properties for cleaning and purifying the skin. Once a week, at most, you can make a facial mask based on this ingredient, which will help you keep enlarged pores at bay. That yes: the clay must be used with caution, since, if it is not eliminated correctly, it could end up irritating the delicate skin of the face.

Resort To Astringent Treatment

It is also possible to opt for an astringent treatment to close the pores. They will prescribe it in a dermatological consultation or in your usual pharmacy. Even so, this option is not advisable for people with sensitive skin or tending to allergic reactions, as this would worsen the problem.

Conceals Open Pores With Makeup

In addition to following the guidelines described, makeup can be a great ally to camouflage excessively dilated pores. To achieve this, first apply a matt and light base, with which you will correct small skin imperfections. Despite the fact that this is a cosmetic solution, you can use it whenever you want, as long as the layer is not too dense, which would prevent the skin from ventilating properly. Of course, after the day, remember that you must make up thoroughly, removing any possible remains of the product.

Aesthetic Medicine For Open Pores

Along with all the aforementioned beauty tips, aesthetic medicine facials are a much more effective and long-lasting option, while also being safe and non-invasive, as they do not require surgery.

In our centers, for example, you can do a chemical peel or peel, a treatment that removes impurities favors cell renewal, restores luminosity to the skin, and helps to close pores. Among the products included in its formulation, trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and kojic acid stand out, which is also very effective in removing or hiding acne spots or scars. Therefore, it contributes to facial rejuvenation.

These are some of the options to close open pores.

Also Read: How To Remove Dark Circles? Note Down These Simple Tricks 

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