Anti-Wrinkle Gestures: Reflexes To Preserve Your Youthfulness

At 20, few people already have wrinkles. However, this is when you need to start adopting the right reflexes to preserve your youth capital—advice from dermatologist Laurence Netter to prevent the signs of aging from appearing faster than expected.

Remove Your Makeup Every Evening

” Wiping out beauty care products is essential every evening, regardless, when you have not worn beauty care products because various corruptions adhere to the epidermis during the day (dead cells, microorganisms, fine particles, etc), ” ensures Laurence Netter. If you don’t, If you don’t kill them, they will hold the skin back from recuperating precisely during the night. Depending on your skin type, pick the best decision:

  • Micellar water for combination or oily skin (choose from the acne ranges so that it is not too harsh),
  • For sensitive skin, milk or makeup remover oil is needed (rinse with thermal water, which must then be gently patted dry).

Another piece of advice: ” If you remove your eyelashes, especially if it is waterproof mascara, you need an oily product, which should also be rinsed off so as not to leave unnecessary oils,” adds the dermatologist.

Moisturize Your Face

Applying a day cream daily is the key to preventing the appearance of small fine lines in your thirties. Suppose you have oily skin (at 20, adolescence is not that far away). In that case, the dermatologist advice choosing a day cream from an acne range: ” not necessarily a treating cream but just a moisturizing cream without fatty active ingredients. For dry skin, on the other hand, a rich moisturizer will be more comfortable. What about night cream? ” It is less important than at 35-40 years old, but you can start slowly around 25-30 years old in case of dry skin,” explains Laurence Netter.

Pamper Your Eyes

” At 20, you can, as of now, begin putting a smidgen of cream on your eyelids since the area wrinkles first,” makes sense La, Terence Netter. You won’t be guaranteed to have to put resources into devoted treatment; you can utilize your day cream in the event that it is very much endured. ” Then again, in the event that the surface of the cream is vibrant and makes the eyelids expand, we return to a lighter eye form treatment,” cautions the dermatologist. Apply in little amounts, utilizing fingertips and tapping delicately.

Think About Serum

” If you really want to do it well, you apply a serum containing targeted and very concentrated active ingredients just before your day cream,” says Laurence Netter. We choose it according to our needs: redness, lack of radiance, enlarged pores, dryness… and we use it all year round or as a treatment, for example, at each change of season.

Focus On Vitamin C

” When the skin is subjected to external stress (sun, pollution, climatic variations, tobacco, etc.), it produces free radicals which prevent cell renewal and accelerate skin aging,” explains Laurence Netter. It is, therefore, imperative to protect yourself from them daily by relying on creams full of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes these famous enemies.

Protect Yourself From The Sun

Of the multitude of dangers that float over our skin, he is the best! We realize that the sun’s UV beams jeopardize our well-being and our childhood. We, thus, safeguard ourselves from it at all ages by applying sunscreen at regular intervals while resisting the urge to stress about the ocean side. Until the end of the year, it is ” useless to slather yourself with factor 50 sunscreen,” thinks Laurence Netter. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do anything! ” Today, the exceptionally wise enemies of UV fogs are splashed over cosmetics. These are superb items,” guarantees the dermatologist.

Adopt A Healthy Lifestyle

It’s not always easy to hear it at 20, but for skin that stays young for as long as possible, there’s nothing like a healthy life without excess! On the plate, the antioxidants found in abundance in fruits and vegetables help fight against oxidative stress and slow down the cellular aging process. So we consume as much as possible, and we avoid anything which, on the contrary, marks the skin: alcohol, junk food, refined sugar…

And since we are full of energy at 20, we do not deprive ourselves of regular physical activity. The benefits are multiple: fewer toxins on the skin thanks to sweat, a more beautiful glow thanks to the stimulation of blood circulation, and less stress thanks to the endorphins released… It’s all beneficial!

Also Read: 5 Steps for a Quick and Effective Facial Care Routine

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