Trendy Vouge

TrendyVouge is a Place where one can get the daily dose of fashion, Fitness, lifestyle and trends from the world of Beauty! and Let yourself to get inspired by our latest labels, street style trends, Brands, training tips, outfit inspiration, workouts, how-to's and what-to-do's.

How To Do The “Eyeliner” If You Have Droopy or Hooded Eyelids

No matter how old they are, the eyes with folds that fall on the eyelid and hide it, complicate the task of achieving a flattering outline. Droopy or hooded eyelids do not necessarily...

Good Practice Guide For Caring For Fingernails And Toenails

They seem hard to peel but, without proper maintenance, they end up peeling (or breaking, cracking, yellowing ...). Do you already notice any of these symptoms? Good time to hydrate and strengthen...

Foxy Eyes: New Trend That Lifts The Eye Without Surgery

This is the trend of the moment: a long, lifted look. We give you three make-up tips to do it step by step. Take an almond look, add a touch of Cleopatra and...

Do You Have 5 Minutes For An Express Manicure?

There are not many things you can do in just 5 minutes (and we don't mean the ones that you say take time to prepare and end up being 15), but painting...

How To Have Thicker Lips

There is no doubt that the face is the first part of the body that people look at. Especially when speaking, one of the areas that most attracts the attention of our...

Do Artificial Fingernails Harm To Humans?

All women love even, beautiful fingernails. Some understand it to mean nails filed in the form of fine filaments, perhaps decorated with a subtle varnish. Others prefer decorative, sometimes brightly colored eye-catchers,...

Trendy Vouge

TrendyVouge is a Place where one can get the daily dose of fashion, Fitness, lifestyle and trends from the world of Beauty! and Let yourself to get inspired by our latest labels, street style trends, Brands, training tips, outfit inspiration, workouts, how-to's and what-to-do's.