Trendy Vouge

TrendyVouge is a Place where one can get the daily dose of fashion, Fitness, lifestyle and trends from the world of Beauty! and Let yourself to get inspired by our latest labels, street style trends, Brands, training tips, outfit inspiration, workouts, how-to's and what-to-do's.

Prepare Your Hair For Summer With An Intensive Prevention Treatment

Summer is, for many, the best time of the year . However, there are many factors that have a negative influence on our hair : the sun, the heat, the salt from...

How To Lose Weight Without Exercising – Lose Fat And Measures

If, on the one hand, many people dream of getting rid of unwanted excess body fat, on the other hand, not everyone has the disposition, availability, or even medical approval to go...

Lose Weight Forever? Eat, Move, Meditate

Most diets allow you to lose weight, but the results often wear off quickly. Very few calories and many privations lead individuals to fall back into temptations at the end of the...

5 Tips For Healthier And Happier Children

Vegetables are among the foods at the basis of a healthy diet, and they become even more important when it comes to children. They are not always appreciated, but if prepared in...

Celiac Disease And Gluten-free Foods

We speak more and more often of celiac disease, a disease caused by the intake of foods containing gluten, in predisposed subjects. Learning to know it, and to recognize it, is important...

Lose Weight And Get Back In Shape After The Holidays

No matter how many good intentions are made before the Christmas holidays begin , about not giving in to the temptations of good food, in the end these are all, promptly, forgotten....

Trendy Vouge

TrendyVouge is a Place where one can get the daily dose of fashion, Fitness, lifestyle and trends from the world of Beauty! and Let yourself to get inspired by our latest labels, street style trends, Brands, training tips, outfit inspiration, workouts, how-to's and what-to-do's.