Trendy Vouge

TrendyVouge is a Place where one can get the daily dose of fashion, Fitness, lifestyle and trends from the world of Beauty! and Let yourself to get inspired by our latest labels, street style trends, Brands, training tips, outfit inspiration, workouts, how-to's and what-to-do's.

Don’t Keep Looking: These Are The Keys To Protecting Your Hair From The Sun

The same thing always happens: summer comes, and we run like crazy to buy five types (or more!) Of different sunscreens for the skin: one for the face, one for the body,...

All Those Myths About The Use Of The Hair Straightener That You Should “Burn”

"You have very frizzy hair," "Since you use the iron, your hair has lost shine," "You are going to burn your hair," and a long, etc. Keep reading! If you are tired...

Contouring: Technique And Tricks

Contouring, strobing, baking, draping, striping, non touring. surely more than one of these names are familiar to you, and you have tried any of these techniques. Mastering these ways of applying makeup...

Top 10 Tricks For Your Dry Shampoo

Do you know how to apply dry shampoo correctly? Do you use it to clean your hair or to style your hair? Do you learn all its uses and tricks? In this...

This Is How You Use The Trendy Massage Stones

Worth the hype? Yes! We reveal why it can be worth investing in trendy massage stones and how to use them correctly. Almost everyone knows jade rollers by now. But have you ever...

Natural Makeup? Follow These 10 Steps And Get A Scandal Result

If you are one of those who like to hurry in bed for a few minutes and you don't have much time to put on makeup in the morning, we have news...

Trendy Vouge

TrendyVouge is a Place where one can get the daily dose of fashion, Fitness, lifestyle and trends from the world of Beauty! and Let yourself to get inspired by our latest labels, street style trends, Brands, training tips, outfit inspiration, workouts, how-to's and what-to-do's.