What Damages The Skin If You Do Not Remove Your Makeup Before Sleeping

After any vacation period, it is costly to return to everyday life, and what was a typical day becomes an almost impossible mountain to climb. That added to the fact that we have a more significant number of daily obligations, leads us to get home really tired, and the only thing we want to do is run to bed for the warmest pajamas you can find, and go to bed with a good book or command to watch a series and disconnect from the world in general. And for this reason, one of the first things that jump up in the air on days when stress overcomes desire are makeup removal and skin cleansing routines.

Although it may seem silly, leaving makeup on overnight has a series of consequences on the skin, ranging from the simplest redness or a small pimple to the appearance of intolerances or allergies to cosmetics. This occurs because, as the experts explain, all kinds of particles from the environment accumulate in the skin throughout the day, in addition to the dead cells that the body releases during rest hours at night. Therefore, if an excellent daily cleaning is not carried out, these remains accumulate and clog the skin’s pores, becoming an unnatural barrier for the body to expel harmful substances.

Consequences of not having a good makeup removal and skin cleansing routine

Even though hundreds of consequences not removing makeup at the end of the day can have, here is a list of the most recurrent ones;

  • The appearance of acne. Makeup, plus all the particles that the skin accumulates throughout the day, end up forming a kind of film on the skin, preventing it from breathing correctly, and clogging the pores, thus creating the appearance of annoying pimples.
  • Inflammation. When you abuse makeup and products with many harmful substances, they do not allow the skin to act as a barrier to external agents, which leads to inflammation and the appearance of flaky skin. One way to avoid this is to use safe cosmetics.
  • Premature aging. Environmental pollutants, added to makeup, if not removed in time, accumulate on the skin, seep into the pores and end up breaking down elastin and collagen that give the skin a feeling of elasticity and youth.
  • Eyelash fragility. The eyes are an essential point to take into account to remove makeup. You must use a specific product to do it without damaging them. If not cleaned effectively, the lashes become brittle and can break.
  • The appearance of styes and skin infections. These consequences are already more severe. The most fragile parts of the face (eyes and mouth) need special care and extra attention when removing makeup. If it is not done correctly and the pores, the glands around the eyes can become clogged, and styes may appear. Another critical point is open wounds, such as cuts or pimples, so common in winter that they focus on infection.
  • The appearance of intolerances, dermatitis, and allergies. If the skin is not well cared for, cosmetics are abused and not cleaned correctly. This can lead to the appearance over time of serious problems, such as intolerance or allergies to makeup components or dermatitis.

It is so important to have an excellent daily makeup removal routine for all this. In addition to accompanying it with cleaning and more specific care from time to time, we must remember that we only have one skin!

Also Read: How To Avoid Dry Skin In Winter?

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