The Definitive Keys To Start Losing Weight In January

This is one of the most repeated resolutions every year. If you want to comply, take note of these tips and you will be a little closer to achieving your healthy weight.

It’s time to say goodbye to 2021 and embrace 2022. Like every year, we begin to consider what the next one will be like, hoping that it will be full of love, work… and, above all, health . Yes, it’s time to incorporate healthy habits (especially if you’ve gotten a little carried away over the past year). And it is that brand new year is an invitation to the mind to connect with good intentions. It is not just about getting a heart attack, but also about having habits that make you feel good and take care of your health .

Decalogue for a new year without being overweight

we suggests that you answer these questions and review your answers to realize what things bring you closer and what things keep you from achieving your desire for a healthy weight. From there, you can build your own decalogue to enjoy a year without being overweight .

  • Have you set a specific goal in relation to the weight you want to have?
  • If you are on a diet, have you looked for allies to support you in your decisions or do you plan to face problematic situations alone?
  • Do you decide before sitting down at the table what you are going to eat and what not, or do you leave the decision for the critical moment?
  • Do you stop eating when you feel that your stomach has enough or, at the time of eating, do you only connect with the pleasant sensations in your mouth?
  • Do you usually leave something on the plate or do you act as if it is obligatory to finish it all?
  • Do you compensate with a healthy diet the possible “specific” excesses in your diet?
  • Do you usually eat very quickly or do you rather taste slowly and prolong the pleasure of each bite?
  • In your weekly daily life, do you tend to focus pleasure only on food or do you make sure that there is also space for other daily pleasures such as reading, music, walking, playing sports, socializing…?
  • Do you tend to live in a continuous hurry or do you take care that there are spaces in your day to day to slow down the rhythm of your time and enjoy the moment more?
  • Do you plan meals with your goal of a healthy weight in mind, or do you tend to improvise what you eat without thinking about your weight?

Enjoying this new year and taking care of your health are two compatible wishes. To integrate them, Pilar Morales proposes three key ideas on which to build our action alternatives:

  • Create space in your daily life for pleasure. Food should not be the main responsible for your happiness. Ask yourself: What things make you happy? and create space for them in your daily life. The day has 24 hours. How about starting by dedicating 15 minutes a day to something that simply makes you enjoy?
  • Set a specific goal for your weight and make sure it’s healthy and realistic. Seek professional help if the challenge is too big or if you don’t know how to meet it.
  • Plan your time and your actions in a way that brings you closer to what you want to achieve.

What is your healthy resolution for 2022?

Do you want to lose weight? PronoKal has a wide variety of foods designed for you to enjoy while you lose weight, don’t think that eating on a diet is boring, quite the opposite. In addition, you can do the entire treatment online (how easy, right?). Medical visits, nutritional coaching, shopping through the online store, monitoring through PronoKal Connect, physical activity from anywhere… PronoKal will accompany you anywhere in 2022.

Also Read: Effective Home Workout Exercises

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