Differences Between Plastic And Cosmetic Surgery

The terms plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery are often misused. And it is that, although both procedures are closely related, they are not exactly the same.

Therefore, in today’s post we are going to explain clearly and simply what these interventions consist of and what are the differences between them.

What is plastic surgery?

Plastic surgery is a surgical specialty that is responsible for rectifying any acquired, congenital or involutionary process of the patient. That is, its main function is to improve aesthetics, restore normal appearance or recover an external feature after another surgery, accident or illness.

This is divided into two different branches: cosmetic surgery and reconstructive surgery.

Plastic surgery

This type of surgery aims to improve the physical appearance of the person to bring them closer to a specific aesthetic ideal. Thus, cosmetic surgery is carried out to enhance the image of the patient so that he can look and feel better. Therefore, the main difference between this and the restorative is that the first is done for beautification reasons and the second for health.

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The most common cosmetic surgery procedures are:

  • Body contouring: liposuction, lipolaser, abdominoplasty, brachial dermolipectomy, etc.
  • Facial contouring: rhinoplasty, otoplasty, blepharoplasty, chin surgery, facelift, chin and cheekbone surgery.
  • Breast surgery: mastopexy, breast augmentation and breast reduction.

Reconstructive surgery

On the other hand, reconstructive or reconstructive surgery is responsible for recovering or improving parts of the body in the most aesthetic way possible. Its main objective is to return the functionality of the members that have been affected by an accident or a congenital deformation. Some examples of interventions are:

  • Skin grafts due to burns
  • Reconstruction for cleft lip or nasal fracture
  • Reconstruction of the breast after cancer
  • Gigantomastia

What do I need to know before undergoing plastic surgery?

The first thing that the patient who wants to undergo this procedure must take into account is to have a realistic and clear vision of what he wants to improve and how the surgery can achieve it.

It is important to bear in mind that the results of surgery do not depend solely on the experience and knowledge of the surgeon, but also the ability to heal and the correct care taken by the patient during the postoperative period also play an important role.

In addition, going through the operating room carries a series of risks, although it is true that the rate of complications in this type of intervention is quite low. For this reason, to guarantee the well-being of the patient, it is important that the professional analyze his clinical history and perform the pertinent tests (x-rays, analysis, electrocardiogram) during the preoperative period.

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