How To Keep Your Wardrobe In?

Every morning we look at it and think, “I have nothing to wear.” And in fact, it’s overflowing with clothes. But what kind? We don’t wear most of it because it’s out of fashion or we simply don’t have anything to combine it with. However, every wardrobe can be kept current and always in.

Clean up!

Probably the most important thing, without which you cannot move on, is cleaning. Set aside one afternoon just for your wardrobe and tidy it up properly. Get rid of all the things that are small for you. Things you haven’t worn in a long time, but you still put them away in case something comes back into fashion. You won’t need any of that. It just takes up your space unnecessarily.


Every now and then we long for some crazy fashion piece that is the hit of the season right now, but in a year or two it will be completely out. And yet we keep making this mistake over and over again. Try to think a little while shopping and not just spend headlong on everything that catches your eye first. The shops are full of beautiful, minimalist pieces. Clean lines, clean colors. White, black, cream. These pieces will never go out of style. And if you pay extra for better quality material, it will also have a longer shelf life. And I’m not talking about easy combinability. Try to think minimalistic.


There is nothing worse than when you are in a hurry, you quickly take something out of the closet, and when you leave the house, you notice that the blouse you are wearing is dirty or wrinkled. Therefore, check what you store in your wardrobe. Make sure that you always have everything ironed, washed, and any holes or imperfections sewn up. You don’t even have to have expensive clothes, as long as they are always adjusted, they will be in even without a few extra euros.

Be Prepared

The last step to making your wardrobe functional is its flexibility. And by that I mean that it is necessary to equip it for every situation. When you go somewhere to do sports, you don’t wear that beautiful skirt you bought for your friend’s party. Therefore, think ahead and have something for everyone. A few sporty pieces as well as something elegant. A little black dress and a white shirt are a typical staple. However, what you choose is up to you.

Sometimes less is more and that’s why I would like it to be enough. Come and throw yourself into the cleaning and create a new wardrobe.

Also Read: Prepare Your Women’s Wardrobe For The Winter

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Trendy Vouge