How To Lose Weight After Childbirth?

During pregnancy, every woman gains weight, regardless of how she ate, whether she exercised or not. It is natural. However, the difference is in how individual women deal with the extra pounds after giving birth. One is in her original prenatal form after a few months without much effort, the other has been struggling with extra pounds for several years and unsuccessfully. How to lose weight after childbirth, when there is less time and more responsibilities?

First of all, set aside time for yourself. Many women do not even realize that they are “in one round” in the flood of responsibilities. Or they are aware of it, but don’t know how to get out of it. Caring for a child (or children) and the household is the result of the fact that they somehow don’t have time for themselves. However, every mother needs time for herself.

And not only time for exercise, but also for other activities where it turns off, resets and, as they say, recharges the batteries. Agree with your husband, older children or grandparents on certain days and times when they will have to do without you . Psychologists also often emphasize that if the mother is not satisfied and (also mentally) rested, the rest of the family will not be satisfied either. And stress is really not a friend of a slim line.

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What to eat and what to stop

A healthy and balanced diet is the alpha and omega for losing weight. Plus, the better you eat, the better you’ll feel and the more energy you’ll have. And really, new mothers, who get up several times at night to look after their baby, have nothing to give away. In addition to the fact that a healthy diet benefits you, it also benefits the whole family. You will set an example for the children and thus give them a good foundation in life. However, this is not a diet, but a nutritionally rich and balanced diet . Build the basis of your diet on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes . Do not forget about high-quality animal proteins (eggs, yogurt, cheese, beef and chicken) and healthy fats from nuts or avocados. But forget semi-finished products, fatty and fried foods, sweetened lemonades, cookies and bars. They will not provide your body with anything other than a lot of empty calories.

And one more valuable advice – don’t thoughtlessly eat after children . Many moms make this mistake and then wonder why they don’t lose weight even though they “don’t eat anything like that.” Children often don’t eat their entire portion and it goes without saying that you don’t want to throw away food. Well, if you have three biscuits, a piece of banana and a little juice, and you also finish your daughter’s lunch, you will also take in a lot of unnecessary calories. Unnecessary because this kind of finishing is not a full-fledged meal that fills you up. So that the food does not end up in the trash, you can, of course, consume it, but do it consciously and thoughtfully. Do you have leftover breakfast porridge after the baby? Add a handful of nuts or fruit to it and you have a complete snack.

Moving to fitness

When it comes to losing weight, of course, we also get to exercise. You can indulge in plenty of this in the form of walks with a stroller from the first days or weeks after giving birth. Gradually, it is possible to start exercising in a targeted manner . The first step can be training at home . There are many exercise programs that you can purchase online and work out in your living room at a time that suits you.

Suitable, even desirable, are the so-called Kegel exercises that strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor . They are weakened after childbirth, which leads to many complications, including incontinence. Diastasis is another problem of new mothers. Even several months or even years after giving birth. It occurs with diastasis damage to the ligament connecting the right and left sides of the rectus abdominis muscle. As a result, the right side is separated from the left side and a gap is created.

A protruding belly is only an aesthetic problem, but lower back and back pain, as well as a weakening of the pelvic floor, are more serious problems. It is a mistake to rush in this condition to strengthen the rectus abdominis muscles, which can make the condition even worse . But most women don’t know that, and in order to lose weight from the stomach, they automatically do push-ups and “abdominal exercises”. It is more appropriate to start with strengthening the internal muscles, pelvic floor and transverse and oblique abdominal muscles . It won’t hurt to entrust yourself to the hands of a physiotherapist, who will both help diagnose diastasis and also advise you on how to exercise.

Also Read: How To Stimulate The Production Of Breast Milk?

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