How To Repair Hair Damage

Do you know how to repair damage to your hair? Today I leave you a few tips that will be very helpful to repair you’re damaged, deteriorated, and dry hair. Don’t miss the tips! Do you know if you have it very deteriorated? Do the test! Put hair in a glass of water. If it floats it means that your mane is healthy. If it sinks… it means you have damaged hair. That said… let’s see the tips!

1. Apply to oil or serum every two to three days from medium to end.

It is very important to seal the ends and give them a natural shine. You can use a hairdressing serum, or coconut oil, almond oil, or whatever oil you have at home. One day you have time, you can apply oil and wrap your hair with a hot towel so that the product penetrates better.

2. Homemade mask.

You will find a lot on the web! Make them especially with honey, avocado, egg, and oil. They are very restorative ingredients!

3. Something very recurrent that you can do is cut the ends.

You don’t need to cut a large chunk of hair, but regularly cutting the ends helps them look better, plus it won’t break your hair as much and it will grow faster.

4. Remember to do the last rinse with cold water.

It seems silly but it helps seal the hair cuticle and reactivates the cells of the scalp so that our hair grows strong and healthy. It also makes it super shiny!

Also Read: How To Make Wavy Ripples?

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