This Is The Very Light And Delicious Vegetable Cream Perfect For Losing Weight

It only takes two essential ingredients to lose weight and burn fat.

More and more people are joining a healthy lifestyle and opting for diets that help them regain their ideal weight.

In recent months, many nutritionists have valued many benefits that vegetable creams have been discovered to have, but one, in particular, has stood out above the rest.

The cream that we will talk about is perfect for your day-to-day because it is very light and very easy to prepare. In addition, it has a delicious flavor and is cleansing, burning fat, and satiating.

On the other hand, the good thing about this vegetable cream is that you only need two ingredients to cook it.

These are the benefits of spinach and artichoke cream.

Perfect ingredients for weight loss

Spinach and artichoke cream is the perfect companion to lose weight and purify your body.

Nutrition experts praise its benefits because this puree combines the best of each vegetable. On the one hand, artichoke is very low in calories and does not add fat to the diet, and it is also one of the most satiating vegetables there is.

As far as spinach is concerned, this vegetable is essential to reduce abdominal and belly fat while providing many vitamins and minerals.

To make this cream, you only have to have half a kilo of artichokes and 250 grams of spinach on hand and boil them for about 20 minutes in a large pot with water. Once the cooking time is over, remove the pan from the heat and pass the vegetables through the blender.

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