In addition to lemon and cucumber water, avocado water is a new trend. As a delicious drink for in between, the superfruit in water form is not only healthy but can also help you lose weight.
Avocados have long been on the menu of everyone who has committed themselves to a healthy diet.
After all, they bring a lot of unsaturated fatty acids as well as vitamins C, E, and K and also a lot of magnesium and potassium.
In addition, you can hardly avoid superfood if you want to lose weight.
Because avocados not only have a detoxifying effect, they also stimulate fat burning and, thanks to their high amount of fiber, effectively prevent food cravings.
Now they are also becoming the new weight loss trend as creamy water.
The high, healthy fat content of the avocado gives the drink, similar to banana smoothies, the creamy consistency of a milkshake, but completely dispenses with milk.
Regardless of the juicy taste, the avocado water can above all score points in terms of health.
In addition to all the health-promoting properties of the avocado, the high water content of the drink ensures that you not only feel refreshed but that your body is actually supplied with plenty of fluids.
Lime juice also brings plenty of vitamin C into play and if you use honey instead of raw sugar, its antioxidants also have an anti-inflammatory effect.
Lemon and cucumber water can, therefore, hold a candle to the avocado as a drink – in the truest sense of the word.
The so simple recipe for the effective miracle water is by the way not a spontaneous attempt from the hobby kitchen but comes from the pen of a Mexican top chef.
Coconut avocado sorbet, avocado toasts with peanut salsa, avocado cocoa pralines, and many other creations on your Instagram account make your mouth water.
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