You may still be a stranger to the movement that has emerged on curly hair care. And if you have already googled about it, you will have found a large number of words that refer to techniques of the Curly System and the products that can be used for it. Go for it! We tell you everything you need to know about the routine that has won the hearts of curly girls.
If those who practice it agree on one thing, it is that they would have loved to receive a guide on the terms and techniques of the Curly Girl System before embarking on this exciting adventure. A new dialect suddenly breaks into your life that transforms everything you thought you knew about curly hair to teach you that you could take much better care of your hair, and if you find a dictionary that makes this task much better, right?
We are going to explain what you need to know before entering this discipline.
Before starting with the wash, there are some terms that you should know and that will help you understand those conversations in which the passion for curly hair sprouts. The first thing you will hear about the system is that your hair will face a transition period. If this sounds strange to you, it has a simple explanation: the damaged hair has to recover from the damage.
To do this, you need to get rid of the remains of silicones that may remain in your hair. You have to do Last Wash, in which you will use a shampoo with sulfates and without silicones that will remove any residue from the hair. Once you have done this step, you will have to say goodbye to sulfates as well. The transition is the time that your hair needs to return to its optimal state of health.
One of the best-known techniques is the STC or Squish To Condish, and it consists of rinsing the conditioner several times while doing multi mulli (don’t worry, we will explain what this means soon!) Until the hair is separated into strands large, which are also known as algae.
It is one of the funniest techniques! It consists of squeezing the hair with the hands in a movement from the ends towards the roots. Learning how to do it correctly will ensure proper curl definition.
To apply the fixing product, the first thing you should do is activate the curl. The Activator curl activator will help you do this, and then you can fix the shape with the Mousse foam or the Custard fixing gel, all of them from the Magic Curls line.
Depending on your hair type, you can apply one or the other. We suggest that you:
Also Read: Are You A Curly Girl? With These Simple Steps, You Will Love Your Curly Hair