The Best Sports For Children By Age

Sport in children has many benefits. In addition to developing their physical condition, they improve their psychomotor skills, social relationships and discipline.

One of the most important tasks that you have as parents is to encourage the practice of sports in children . These activities mean for your child the development of many advantages at the level of motor skills, sociability with other children and maturity at the mental level. Getting your son used to exercising his body is a gift that he will always thank you for.

What are the most beneficial Sports for Children based on their age?

The vast majority of sports are beneficial for children as long as they are done with a formative sense, not considering them as a professional or compulsory activity.

Martial Arts

They can start from the age of 4 , in addition to being a progressive activity by levels it adapts to the evolution of the child. These sports such as judo or karate favor the coordination of movements , the balance between the body and the mind or the ability to react. It is essential to wear a good kimono .

Team sports

Among the best known in Spain are football, basketball or handball, so your child can practice them at school or in a sports club.

The clubs or schools themselves usually provide all the kits, so you simply have to buy the specific sports shoes for each discipline. In addition, they are sports that can be practiced both outdoors and indoors , so they can be practiced every day of the year.

The practice can start with 3 or 4 years, but your child will start to get benefits from the age of 7. They are ideal to improve the relationship and cooperation with other children, especially if you are an only child. The child will improve his physical fitness, motor skills, reflexes and coordination of movements.

Swimming and other water sports

Without a doubt, the most complete sport in terms of health for your child. You can sign him up as a baby and adapt his classes according to his progress.

The main advantage is that it exercises all the muscles of your body and that it helps to correct back problems. In addition, contact with water helps relaxation , and you only need a swimsuit and a hat . Among the aquatic sports, water polo stands out, a modality of handball in the water born in the 19th century. It is a great sport to improve cardiopulmonary resistance, helps blood circulation and decreases the risk of heart disease. Adding a ball to swimming involves coordination of muscles with mental dexterity.


At 3 years old, your child already has enough balance to start riding his first bicycle . At 5 years old , he will already have power in his legs and mastery of balance to remove his training wheels and be able to run alone. We always recommend the use of a bike helmet from a young age so that they acquire the habit.

It is a sport that allows you to develop cardiovascular resistance and favor the muscle building of your legs, in addition, it is ideal to practice it with the family.

Also Read: 5 Tips For Healthier And Happier Children

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