Oily Skin: This Is How You Recognize It!

Oily skin – it’s easy to recognize, isn’t it? The skin shines and is prone to imperfections.

We’ll tell you how you can recognize oily skin, what the causes are and why apparently “dry” skin belongs to a subtype of oily skin.

How do I know if I have oily skin?

It’s true, oily skin can usually be identified quickly. Nevertheless, it is super practical to have a clear list of the various features at hand so that you can be certain in case of doubt:

  • Skin is very shiny
  • Oily feeling due to a greasy film on the skin
  • Greatly enlarged, clearly visible pores
  • Tendency to acne/blemishes
  • Blackheads

Okay, that was very helpful for the ‘diagnosis’. But now we want to take a closer look at what actually causes the skin to be so oily and quickly become greasy.

Also Read: This Is How Moisture Keeps Your Skin Young!

Why do I have oily skin?

Oily skin is caused by increased sebum production. One factor is genetic predisposition, which we cannot change. But with the right products, the complexion can still be improved.

If sebum production is so massively increased that the person affected suffers greatly, there are also treatment options that are supervised by a doctor.

In addition to genetic predisposition, there are also other causes of increased sebum production that we can influence, for example:

  • Incorrect care
  • Hormonal changes
  • Weather conditions/seasons
  • Diet & lifestyle
  • Stress & illness
  • Air pollution

Skin types can therefore change several times throughout life, even within a monthly cycle, and are not static.

Our Western malnutrition with hyperglycemic carbohydrates, dairy products and bad fats can hyperstimulate messenger substances that stimulate sebum production. Cow’s milk is even suspected of promoting acne. A change in diet can improve the complexion.

Throughout life, every person is subject to hormonal changes. During puberty, young people usually develop oily (scalp) skin and their skin is prone to blemishes and acne. Many women suffer from changes in their skin after stopping the pill, during their cycle or even during pregnancy.

By the way ☝🏻 Gender also plays a role in sebum production. Men usually have a higher sebum production than women. In women, sebum production also decreases with age.

So is tallow a bad thing?

No, just the opposite. Your skin needs sebum. It is the natural care for your skin and keeps it in a supple condition.

Together with sweat and components of dead horn cells, it is part of the skin’s natural acid mantle and ensures the skin’s slightly acidic pH value. The skin’s physiological pH value is important in order to prevent the penetration of harmful substances and pathogens. The acid mantle also reduces water loss.

But for everything to work well, the ratio between sebum and the other components of the acid mantle must be right. If the skin produces too much sebum, it disrupts the “balance” of the acid mantle and impurities can develop more quickly. In addition, in connection with keratinization disorders, the pores become clogged more quickly. However, if the sebum content is too low, the skin is not adequately protected from moisture loss and dries out.

It is therefore important not to degrease the skin too much with aggressive cleansing products despite increased sebum production and impurities, as this destroys the acid mantle.

Danger of confusion: dry skin or dehydrated oily skin?

Oily skin produces more sebum and is relatively easy to distinguish from normal or dry skin. It is shiny, feels oily and is prone to impurities such as pimples and blackheads. Dry skin is low in oil and moisture, but has barely visible pores and no impurities.

There is a subtype of oily skin that is often confused with dry skin: dehydrated oily skin. This becomes problematic when the needs of the skin are misunderstood and it is cared for incorrectly.

If at least 2 of the following characteristics apply to your skin, then you most likely do not have dry skin (i.e. low in oil and moisture), but rather dehydrated oily skin (oily and low in moisture):

  • She has large pores
  • She is prone to impurities
  • Is greasy and feels dry at the same time
  • Stretches and/or flakes in places

Also Read: The Benefits Of Double Facial Cleansing For Acne And Oily Skin

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