There are multiple treatments to show off luminous, soft, and blemish-free skin. Among the most popular are facial cleansing and peeling. However, it is expected that when our patients come for a consultation, they have certain doubts about which of the two procedures is the one that will give them the best results.
Therefore, intending to help you know which of these techniques is the most suitable for your face, we will delve into the differences between peeling and facial cleansing, when each of them is recommended, and their frequency.
As we said, although peeling and facial cleansing focus on skincare, they are very different treatments. Let’s ask ourselves what facial peeling is. It is a more aggressive technique, indicated for patients with dull faces who are significantly aged or have acne problems. Its objective is peeling the skin’s superficial layers through chemical or mechanical exfoliation.
On the contrary, facial cleansing focuses on oxygenation and elimination of impurities. Unlike the previous one, this type of treatment is gentler, so it does not erase marks, spots, or scars.
No skin can remain perfect if it is not thoroughly cleansed. Therefore, it is always a good time to get a facial cleansing. Additionally, this method is recommended for any skin type: oily, dry, or combination.
It should be noted that it is widespread for skin cleansing to take place before a special occasion. So, if you want to show off your face for your next event, don’t forget to make an appointment for a good cleaning.
Facial peeling is a very effective aesthetic medicine technique for skin rejuvenation. However, it is not suitable for everyone. Unlike cleaning, a patient’s skin and needs must be studied before undergoing treatment. In this way, it will be possible to determine whether it is recommended for him since the variety of existing peels is very wide.
There is no specific frequency. Each person has different needs determined by their habits, lifestyle, and the care they give to their skin daily.
However, it can be very beneficial for your face to have one of these treatments whenever a change of season occurs. It is no secret that the cold dries out and worsens the condition of our skin, and the sun during the summer months is the leading cause of spots. Therefore, extra help never hurts to look radiant again.
Also Read: The Benefits Of Double Facial Cleansing For Acne And Oily Skin