Which Foods to Build Muscle?

Do you do intensive strength training and don’t eat as many unhealthy foods as you think, but you’re still not able to build muscle? Then it’s due to the wrong diet! The combination of exercise and proper nutrition is the key to building muscle. It’s not for nothing that the saying “abs are made in the kitchen” exists.

But why is proper nutrition so important for building muscle?

To build muscle, our body needs foods with lots of protein, micronutrients, vitamins and minerals. Proteins are the building blocks of our body and in order to build muscles we always need new ones. The more we take in these building materials, the easier it is to build new muscles.

With strength training and these 15 foods, you are guaranteed to achieve your goal of a muscular body.

15 foods for building muscle

1. Eggs

Eggs are the epitome of muscle building and an ideal companion for a protein-rich diet. They have a biological value of 100 and can therefore be used very efficiently by the body to build muscle. Incidentally, the most protein is found in the egg yolk. A medium-sized egg has approximately 7g of protein.

2. Low-fat quark

Low-fat quark contains a lot of protein and is particularly low in fat. Per 100 g, low-fat quark has an impressive 13 grams of protein and just 0.25 grams of fat. That’s why low-fat quark is an optimal food in the definition phase of strength training. Another advantage of low-fat quark is the calcium it contains, which strengthens bones and teeth. 100 grams of quark contains an impressive 92 mg of calcium. Eating low-fat quark also stimulates our digestion. Thanks to the lactic acid bacteria contained in quark, our body can metabolize it well.

What also speaks for low-fat quark: The high protein content keeps you full for a long time and lowers blood sugar levels.

3. Poultry

Poultry includes meat such as chicken, turkey, duck and goose. All types of poultry provide a lot of protein and valuable nutrients such as vitamin B and iron.

Chicken and turkey poultry provide the most protein with 24% protein. Duck meat has 18% protein and goose meat has 15% protein. Duck and goose provide the most fat. The duck meat has a fat content of 17% and the goose meat has a whopping 31% fatty acids. If you want to define your muscles, it is better to choose turkey breast or chicken breast as they have less than 2% fat.

4. Beef

Along with poultry, beef is considered the ideal source of protein. It contains, on average, 19% protein and just 8% fat. Thanks to its high biological value of 92, beef can be optimally converted into muscles by the body. Beef provides us with a lot of iron. The iron contained in beef, 2.2 – 2.6 mg per 100 g of beef, promotes blood formation in our body. In addition, beef offers important B vitamins that support our energy metabolism. Be careful → Beef should only be consumed in moderation as it can have a negative impact on our heart health.

5. Cottage cheese

Grainy cream cheese offers many advantages and is therefore very trendy among athletes. Cottage cheese has few calories and is high in protein. It contains 13% protein and only 4% fat. Cottage cheese contains valuable whey protein and casein. Thanks to the slowly digestible protein, the amino acids are slowly released into the blood and thus supply our body with proteins in the long term. The cheese is particularly digestible. This means it can also be consumed by people with sensitive stomachs. Thanks to 80 mg of calcium per 100 grams of cottage cheese, it optimally strengthens bones and teeth. The magnesium in cottage cheese helps the body with normal nerve function.

6. Nuts, seeds, kernels

Nuts, seeds and kernels are a high-quality and nutritious source of nutrition and fit into almost every diet. Although they contain a lot of calories and have a high fat content, they are particularly good for our body. Nuts, seeds and kernels provide us with a lot of energy, get our nerves and muscle cells going, keep us full for a long time and bind toxins. Almonds have a protein content of 24% and are therefore also a perfect food for building muscle. Since nuts have a high calorie content, it is recommended to limit consumption to 1-2 handfuls of nuts per day.

7. Legumes

Legumes are the seeds of plants that grow in a pod. These include, among others, lentils, chickpeas, peas, beans, soybeans, lupins and peanuts.

They are rich in plant proteins and fiber. A peanut has e.g. B. 25% protein. Thanks to the proteins they contain, legumes keep you full for a long time and promote fat burning. They also contain many secondary plant substances such as flavonoids, saponins and carotenoids. These plant substances have a positive effect on our blood pressure, are anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.

8. Whole wheat pasta

In contrast to pasta made from white flour or durum wheat semolina, whole-wheat pasta contains complex carbohydrates. This means they keep you full longer than traditional pasta. Whole-grain pasta also has more vitamin B, minerals and fiber than the light version. Carbohydrates provide our body with energy. By consuming long-chain carbohydrates such as: E.g. whole-grain pasta gives us enough energy for the next strength training session. This makes whole-grain pasta an ideal food for building muscle.

9. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a real miracle cure for building muscle. They contain a full 14% protein and, thanks to this and complex carbohydrates, keep us full for a particularly long time. Oatmeal also provides us with more iron than meat. Oatmeal contains 5.4 mg of iron per 100 g, twice as much of the nutrient as beef. Thanks to biotin, oatmeal also has a positive effect on the health of nails and hair. The zinc in oat flakes strengthens the immune system and promotes wound healing. Magnesium supplies our nerves and muscles optimally for good functionality.

10. Avocado

Avocados are by no means fattening. Although avocados consist of 30 percent fats, these fats are healthy and have a positive effect on our health.

In addition, avocado is a natural anti-aging agent. By consuming an avocado, you are consuming vitamins A, B and E, which are important for your health and play a major role in numerous processes in the body. An avocado also contains around 550 mg of potassium. The potassium contained in avocados supports the normal function of cells, nerves and muscles.

11. Linseed oil

Linseed oil consists of up to 70 percent of tri unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids protect the heart, strengthen the brain and are also said to prevent cancer. Flaxseed oil also helps with protein biosynthesis and converts protein from food into muscles. The best quality is linseed oil that is cold pressed because it has the most health benefits. Consuming flaxseed oil also improves our mood. This is because fatty acids have a positive influence on our well-being.

12. Fish

Fish is packed with healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Many fish also have a low fat content and come with a large portion of protein. On average, food fish has around 22% protein. This protein is converted into our body’s own protein and, in combination with strength training, ensures muscle growth. Fish also contains valuable minerals such as selenium, iodine and chromium. Chromium helps our body utilize carbohydrates better. This also makes fish particularly easy to digest.

13. Quinoa

Quinoa is a real secret weapon for building muscle. It is full of high-quality nutrients such as iron, magnesium and manganese. It contains all eight essential amino acids and an impressive 14% protein. Quinoa is gluten-free and easy to digest. It is also an optimal source of fiber. Quinoa contains 10 to 15% fiber and helps our body with constipation and can also reduce the risk of developing colon cancer. Thanks to long-chain carbohydrates, quinoa lowers and stabilizes blood sugar levels. This provides the brain and muscles with sustained energy.

14. Broccoli

Broccoli is a real vitamin bomb. Thanks to the high vitamin C content of 115 mg, broccoli boosts our immune system. Vitamin C helps us with impending illnesses such as a cold. With the help of the potassium contained in broccoli, the muscles contract even under heavy strain. Broccoli also contains substances that can prevent cancer. Broccoli strengthens eyesight. It contains 850 micrograms of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A and thus nourishes the eyes. Broccoli can also help you lose weight. It has hardly any carbohydrates, calories or fat and also stimulates your metabolism. If you eat broccoli, you will get fit faster. The quercetin it contains can increase performance by 13 percent. Cool right?!

15. Cocoa

Cocoa can’t be healthy? Oh but! Unsweetened cocoa powder has an impressive 20% protein. Thanks to the flavonoids found in cocoa, viruses are fought, inflammation is inhibited and the immune system is strengthened. Consuming cocoa increases concentration. This is because our brain receives better blood flow. Cocoa also stabilizes blood sugar and lowers blood pressure. Cocoa has more antioxidants than most fruits and therefore protects our body cells. Cocoa contains 414 mg of magnesium per 100 g and is therefore ideal for relieving cramps and tension. Thanks to calcium and phosphorus, cocoa also strengthens bones and teeth.


As you can see, there are many foods that have a positive effect on building muscle. Rely on a combination of strength training and the foods mentioned above and you will quickly achieve results.

Are you missing the right equipment for strength training? Then take a look here and let us convince you of the large selection of training equipment.

Also Read: Eating Muscles: High Protein Nutrition For A Strong Body

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