If You Do That, You Will Finally Get Rid Of Blackheads On Your Nose

Blackheads on the nose are annoying. We’ll tell you how to get rid of the little black dots.

They are small and annoying: blackheads. Above all, the open comedones, as the technical term for blackheads, forms on the nose. We tell you how to remove the black pimples.

What Are Lunches?

Comedones occur mainly in the T-zone on the face, forehead, nose, and chin. Blackheads can arise from excessive sebum production in the skin, which is clogged by skin cells, sebum, and bacteria. The clogged pores are initially white. However, if they come into contact with oxygen, the sebum oxidizes and becomes black due to the pigment melanin.

This Favors The Formation Of Blackheads

The following factors favor the formation of blackheads, which is why you should avoid them if possible:

  • Lack of facial care
  • Hormonal change
  • Smoke
  • Unhealthy diet (fast food, sugar, alcohol, …)
  • lack of sleep
  • stress

So You Get Rid Of Blackheads On The Nose

In order to get rid of blackheads or not to let them arise at all, the right facial care is important. Make sure that you use pH-neutral products and those that are soap and oil-free. This prevents your skin from producing even more sebum. In addition to your daily facial cleansing (morning and evening), it helps if you exfoliate your nose and other parts of your face twice a week – for example with a lemon peel.

Also Read: How To Close Open Pores

Remove Blackheads With A DIY Lemon Peel

The secret weapon against blackheads on the nose (and everywhere else): lemon. The yellow fruit has a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory effect and removes fat from the skin. The pores are refined, the face shines again.

You only need three ingredients for the homemade peeling:

  • 1 tbsp sea salt
  • 1/2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp water

Mix the ingredients and rub the paste gently on your nose, chin, and forehead after you’ve cleaned your face. Rinse with lukewarm water – done.

Warning: If you tend to dry skin, you should use a gentler peeling, such as a honey-salt peeling.

Against Blackheads: Do The Honey-Salt Peeling Yourself

Honey has an antibacterial effect like lemon , but is gentler on the skin. Therefore, this peeling is particularly suitable for more sensitive and dry skin. For the peeling, you only need to mix a tablespoon of salt with a tablespoon of honey and massage the paste onto the nose (or other parts of the face) after cleansing the face. Rinse off with lukewarm water.

Tip: A professional facial cleansing also frees your face from blackheads. Then peel your face regularly to curb new growth.

Express Blackheads Yourself – How It Works

However, if you prefer to express the little troublemakers yourself, you can first open the pores with a steam bath and then carefully squeeze out the blackheads. Use it but necessarily a facial tissue and not press the comedones out with your bare fingers. Because bacteria can also accumulate under our nails, which in case of doubt make your skin even more impure – and give you even more blackheads or even inflamed pimples.

Also Read: Facial Cleaning – Question And Answers

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